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ADRBv2 NFC / MIFARE® / FeliCa™ – Desktop Reader / Writer


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The popular and easy to use NFC-RFID Desktop Reader ADRBv2 with its intelligent reader firmware allows a fast access to a big a variety of 13.56 MHz RFID chips compliant to ISO14443A/B.

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Per informazioni sull'acquisto contattaci

The popular and easy to use NFC-RFID Desktop Reader ADRBv2 with its intelligent reader firmware allows a fast access to a big a variety of 13.56 MHz RFID chips compliant to ISO14443A/B without deep RFID knowledge and also supports NFC (Near Field Communication) in active & passive mode. It comes in an attractive glossy white housing with a bi-colour LED and a buzzer which are completely controlled by the application via dedicated protocol commands. The reader is available with USB

Additional Information

**LED brightness on image enhanced to highlight their position

The simple commands of the intelligent RFID desktop reader facilitate a fast application development and a short time-to-market period. The reader supports the ISO standards 14443, 18092 and besides the NFC Forum Tag Types also the NXP MIFARE family like Ultralight / Ultralight C, Classic 1K / 4K, DESFire /DESFire EV1 as well as dual interface cards. Furthermore it supports Infineon my-d, Innovision/Broadcom Topaz and Sony FeliCa™.

The reader also supports the NFC peer-to-peer mode and like all other products of the intelligent NFC AxxB reader series it is compatible with the open source NFC library libnfc (


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COD: ID-ADRB-USB-v2 Categorie: , ,