
Hitachi Vein ID Scanner

Hitachi’s Finger Vein Solution

Hitachi VeinID Scanner

Hitachi’s FVID Scanner provides a number of options for developers and system integrators who are looking to build biometric authentication into their applications. Existing systems can be upgraded and new applications can be built to take advantage of Hitachi’s privacy compliant VeinID authentication technology using either a BioAPI1 SDK or a server authentication engine for high speed one-to-many matching.

1 BioAPI subset of ISO/IEC 19784-1 with proprietary extensions.



  • A straightforward and cost-effective option for the integration of VeinID technology into PC client and networked applications. It provides increased levels of safety and security around user access control, identity management and transaction verification.
  • Integration using the FVAE2 provides excellent capability for processing transactions at high speed with a “finger only” authentication option.
  • The process of scanning a finger is a near contact-less operation meaning that the solution is very hygienic and simple to use.
  • Users form their opinions quickly when presented with new technology and the simple and fast registration process, taking less than 2 seconds per finger scan, means that the all important first impressions can be very positive.
  • No need for specialised environmental conditions for normal operation. Authentication time is typically less than 2 seconds meaning that VeinID can be easily incorporated into many business processes or operations. Users quickly see the simplicity and benefits. 2 FVAE = Finger Vein Authentication Engine.

Server Deployment using FVAE 

The following diagram shows the setup when the matching process takes place on the server.

Note: Client application can also be developed using BioAPI SDK since templates are compatible.

Key: Hitachi Component is red; Other Component is grey.

Stand-alone Implementation 

The following diagram shows the setup when the matching process takes place on the client machine.

Software options: 


FVAE server side fast matching library with: 10,000 matches/core/ sec.; Thread safe processing; Multiple enrolment sets with up to 100k templates per set.
