
Time & Attendance Kit TA-TC-B


Per informazioni sull'acquisto contattaci

  • Time and attendance controller Regis T-1-Kit with a built-in contactless card reader
  • Spider W5-B power supply with a communication converter – for a communication of the hardware with the T&A program (USB, TCP/IP)
  • 40 contactless cards
  • Codeks TA Kit time and attendance software for up to 40 employees

760,00 IVA esclusa

Per informazioni sull'acquisto contattaci

Designed for small companies or organizations, that wish to set up an efficient time and attendance
registration at a little cost
» Very simple and user friendly interface
» For customers, who wish T&A controller with bigger screen

» Kit TA-TC-B includes:
– Time and attendance controller Regis T-1-Kit with a built-in contactless card reader
– Spider W5-B power supply with a communication converter – for a communication of the hardware with the T&A program (USB, TCP/IP)
– 40 contactless cards
– Codeks TA Kit time and attendance software for up to 40 employees

» Program Codeks TA Kit allows new employees’ cards and data entry, the creation of timetables, reviewing of the recorded data, the correction of records, preparation of the reports and extracts by various criteria, the entry and changing of time intervals, etc.
» Employees can be assigned with a password and a user name to view their registered events and generate a report of the events
» If the employees are trusted, they are allowed to set their own times of arrivals and exits
» In the user editor, a report of the working hours for a specific period for each employee can be made
» Optional hardware expansion kits are available for the customers who would like to expand their time & attendance system with additional entry points on the same or on different locations.

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