
SCM3712 Contactless Reader Board Family

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Identiv’s SCM3712 Contactless Reader Board Family is suitable for event ticketing, retail loyalty programs, vending, public transport, and mobile payment applications. The combination of contactless reader and near field communication (NFC) peerto-peer capability upgrades radio frequency identification (RFID) use applications to a whole variety of fully NFC-featured commercial solutions.

With SCM3712, direct and reliable two-way communication between two devices can be established, allowing a mobile phone to be used as a smart credential when presented to an SCM3712-powered NFC terminal. SCM3712 can enable applications such as loyalty couponing or point redemption.

For a maximum end-user acceptance, the SCM3712 family supports the features of a wide range of contactless cards, tokens, key fobs, and NFC devices, like mobile phone stickers, NFC labels, or NFC-powered smart phones.
The SCM3712 EA version enables on-the-fly tag personalization through issuing devices like cards, labels, or smart poster printers.

The SCM3712 family also works with Identiv’s widely installed contactless SCL reader and token family, including the SCL011 and SCL3711 devices. Solution developers and system integrators easily can reuse and expand upon existing integrations.

With an available NFC solutions development kit containing the SCM3712 NFC reader board, application developers and system integrators can accelerate time-to-market for NFC technology-based readers and terminals that support device-to-tag and peerto-peer applications.

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