
BioStation A2 BSA2-OMPW


Per informazioni sull'acquisto contattaci

Suprema BioStation A2 is the most advanced fingerprint access control and time attendance terminal featuring Suprema’s next generation biometric technology and security platform.

1.310,00 IVA esclusa

Per informazioni sull'acquisto contattaci

Suprema BioStation A2 is the most advanced fingerprint access control and time attendance terminal featuring Suprema’s next generation biometric technology and security platform.

BioStation A2 provides class-leading performance through the World’s best matching performance, uncompromised security and accuracy along with top-notch usability.

Prodotto disponibile in 1 settimana (salvo il meglio) dall’ordine.

COD: BioStationA2BSA2-OMPW Categorie: ,